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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Just A Nibble Now - No More

I've started a file with snippets and snatches of erotic passages which come to me randomly.  Hopefully, they'll become much more than a passing day dream.  I've named the file fragments with potention.  Lame, huh?  Anyway, I thought I'd share the first entry.

Her arousal almost complete, she sighed and wriggled beneath me. My tongue reminded her flesh who was boss, its favorite stop along the journey being her clit, both juicy and savory. We favor a very spicy diet; her juices are evidence thereof. Gripping the sides of her torso, I pulled myself forward a few inches more. Her belly button greeted my tongue as it slithered even further up her tummy. Stopping, undecided, between the twin mounds which amounted to less than a palmful in my massive boxer's hands, I moved to the left and rimmed a nipple. She gasped, pulling me closer. I broke free of her embrace and pinned her hands beneath her her bottom, then rested my weight on her hips. Her dreamily impassioned smile was encouragement enough. I continued to lave her her nipple with my tongue. Loving its pert firmness, I encouraged them to engorge further with my lips’ embrace and just a tip of my tongue for reminder. She moved beneath me; I pressed my belly more firmly towards the mattress. I sucked and sweet mother's milk was my reward. Now, my turn to gasp as my hot father's milk christened her lovely thighs.


  1. Provocative stuff. I like the little details you've got in there "boxer's hands" and "dreamily impassioned smile". Well done.

    1. thank you. glad you liked. now, i wonder what i'll do with it.

  2. Well, whatever you do, it's going to be HOT! This may have been a little nibble, but it packed a punch!

    1. Thanks Jenna. I appreciate your comments. You'll have to tell me if your assessment is correct.

  3. I really like it, but one word squeaked me, "slithered". This word can turn a reader off fast at times just as he/she "hissed" something. These are words that unless doing sci-fi and using a reptilian, you should move away from. I was called down on them by people on another site.

    I enjoyed the imagery and emotions it conveyed. It is one hot piece other than that single word for me.

    1. thank you for taking the time to read and comment. i'm glad you enjoyed otherwise.


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