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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Grinnie's Gargantuan Giveaway

Stop in and visit my rafflecopter giveaway today.

Prize drawing eligibility:

Free copy of The Moon-Kissed Chi - 70 - 79 pts.
1/4 Page Ad:  85 to 99 pts.
Barnes and Noble Gift Card:  100 to 129 points
Copper Package Virtual Tour - 130 or more pts.

You will only become eligible to win for one prize depending on your point count.  Your point count determines which drawing you'll be in.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

BTS eMag, June Issue

Check out the June issue of the BTS Book Reviews eMag:  It's been a while.  I'll try to be more consistent in posting.

Left to right:  Arrinay, Gayadnae, Bezhyanya and Grayt.

Please take a moment to check out the June issue of the BTS eMag (

Where you can find me:  

Grinelda Markowitz (Author, Writer, and My Own Girl Friday)
Create Space (PaperBack)

What's up with BTS these days?
BTS Book Reviews eMag new website:
BTS Book Reviews eMag is looking for reviewers:
Would you like to become a blog host for BTS Virtual Tours?  Fill out the form:  (BTS Virtual Tours website coming soon)

In work (to name a few):

A Ghostly Tale, or Two
Johnny B. Goode
The Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book II ~ The Training
Mother's Milk (Working Title)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The April Issue of the BTS eMag April 2013 is out.  Take a moment to flip through its pages.



Thursday, February 28, 2013

It’s Always Summer On Horny Hump Day

My Horny Hump Day post is up for this week.  Visit it here.

Please stop in and say hi!

Also, in April, I'll be hosting an author extravaganza on my WordPress blog.  Each day, I will host a different author.  The line-up of authors is diverse across varying genres.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Excerpt from Kalaydan Chronicles for My April 2013 blog Post

This post is for my "April Is Not Only For Fools" blog post.  You'll get to read the entire blog post on my WordPress blog April 1, 2013.

In this excerpt, Gayadnae and Muntaën have met.  He is her Kallish [the bedworn of a rulling woman].  This meeting allows another side of Gayadnae to emerge.  You'll learn more about the two and their relationship in, _The Kalaydan Chronicles: Book I ~ The Training , now in work.

I like this man. He listens to me and seems to care about me already, though he hardly knows me. Maybe he’ll like the real me if I let him see who I really am.
She was silent for a moment then nodded.
“Now, what about you. What did you see?”
“I didn’t see as much as you saw. What I did see was very short but ominous. I was, as you said, very much addicted to pawpi and I’d become changed physically as you saw also. But, what you couldn’t know or see was the black, consuming anguish which had filled the empty space inside. There was something I wanted very much that had been denied me and I would never have a chance to have it. For that reason I had become what I was. The pawpi and Daichi served to numb me emotionally, physically, and spiritually.”
“What was it you had wanted?”
“Please forgive me. I can’t tell you now.”
“Will you tell me sometime?”
“I think I must.”
Just then Shelbayn galloped into the clearing. He came right up to Gayadnae and nuzzled her neck. She turned to Muntaën.
“If you’re to be my Kallish, how will I find you?”
“I’ll be there when the time is right. I have something for you.”
“You do?”
He pulled a black pouch from a pocket and handed it to her.
“What is it?”
“Open it.”
She loosened the opening and dumped the contents of the pouch into her hand. Out slid a forest green crystal with blue and silver veins. It had a leather thong wrapped around one end.
“It’s beautiful. Here.”
She handed it to him and turned her back to him. She caught up her long, brown tresses so he could slip it around her neck. He turned her slowly around and took in the sight of her as he did so.
“It looks wonderful on you. I had looked for the perfect stone to gift you for many mooncycles. One day, when I was at the silver pond, as I played my fingers in the water, I noticed its green light sparkling. When I saw the veining, I knew it was for you.”
“It’s perfect.”
She didn’t realize the significance of everything he said; but, instead, put her arms around his neck tentatively and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. He flushed; and, for a moment, the heaviness which was reflected in his face went away but returned when she stepped back.
“I’m sorry, I guess I shouldn’t.”
“It’s okay. I’ll be fine. I’ve waited this long for you; I think I can wait a little longer.”
“That’s around two more suncycles you know. I am precocious according to my mother.”
“I know. And it’s okay. There’s something special about this stone for you. You and I share something special. The Gaichi seeks us out. Grayt tells me you don’t sleep at night because it wants you to come out to play, so to speak.”
“Is that why I’m so tired when I get up?”
“Yes. But this stone will shield you from the Gaichi.”
“But why? What have I, what have we done to anger the Gaichi?”
“It’s not anger. It’s curiosity. Something about us makes it curious. Something about us has caught its attention. But we, neither you nor I, should try to face it alone to see what it wants. And, I must warn you. Pawpi is dangerous for us now. Avoid it. Even the essence.”
“Okay. I think I trust you.”
“I hope you do. There’s one last thing.”
“Go on.”
“You cannot remember any part of tonight until the right time arrives. I’ll watch over you as best I can when you’re outside of The Main House, but, inside, there are none to watch but Grayt and she cannot sense you as I can.”
“But how can you . . .”
“Not now.”
He looked around at a snort from Shelbayn. The horse was becoming nervous and skittish.
“We must go now. Time has come and gone for us to talk. Come here.”
He pulled her closer to him in an embrace, then brought his stone up close to hers. She held his hand at bay for a moment.
“Is there a reason we have the same color stones? The only difference is yours is veined in yellow and silver.”
“Yes, but not now. We must be on our way.”
“Okay. Kiss me before we go? I want to know, just for a moment, what our time together will be like.”
His feral yellow eyes became bigger and darker as he moved his face closer to hers. His breath smelled sweet and spicy all in one. He kissed her full on the mouth. Not holding back, he pulled her tightly to him and covered her lips with the warmth of his own. His tongue sought entry and was met enthusiastically by hers. Their embrace went no further than the kiss, but each knew an awakening had occurred for which there must be a satisfying answer. He released her. Her bosom heaved and her breathing was heavy.
“I like your scent. It arouses me.”
“I like yours too and it does me as well. Now my sleeping dreams have a subject for their unfolding,” he said as he held her further away."
“There’s more where that came from, right?” She asked, disappointment showing in the set of her mouth.
“Much more.”

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Grinnie's Heating Up

Well, looks like the change of venu for my Horny Hump Day (HHD) posts is going to be delayed.  Next week, my HHD post will go up on my WordPress blog.

Hi there!  Glad you joined me for my leg of this Horny Hump Day.   I return to, _The Training_, which is a WIP in continuation of The Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book I ~ The Moon-kissed Chi.  Sex between Arrinay and Bezhyanya is always gratifying for them both, even though being fully spent isn't something Bezhyanya reaches easily.  You can read previous entries for The Kalaydan Chronicles here.
       She worked her hips in an increasing tempo that was not unlike thunder rolling across the plains.  The tension built as they worked together, then the storm broke.  Arrinay collapsed on Bezhyanya’s broad chest, her nails digging into his skin, as she snuggled in his strong embrace, while the tempest abated.

In this scene, Bezhyanya and Arrinay have entered the other-world they've entered many times before, while on pawpi trip.  This trip promises to be memorable, but they don't know it yet.  As they travel the path to the cave, they see any number of species of animals of which the females are pregnant or followed closely by babies.  This becomes important as book two unfolds. 

Here's one facebook group you can't not join:  BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group. The next event for the BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group, the "Love Me Tender, Love Me True" Valentine' Day Event, happens February 13 from 16:00 - 20:00 Central Standard Time.  Here's the Time Zone Converter.  Guest authors making an appearance:  Pippa Jay,  Kiru Taye, Myra Nour, Scott Harper, Jamallah Bergman, Leslie Ferdinand, Patricia Green, and Elaine Raco Chase.  Visit the event wall frequently for details as they're posted.

Be sure to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers (at 92), please help me get there by following.  Before you leave today, please follow this blog as well. Grinnie on Twitter.

I look forward to seeing you again next week.  There's always room for more participants and visitors on Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets newsletter will launch the first friday in February 2013, if all goes as planned.  Subscription information is below.

SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
FOLLOW the blog from which the newsletter launches.

Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book I ~ The Moon-kissed Chi Buy Links:
Create Space

I'm looking for authors interested in being guest authors, guest bloggers, or doing character interviews for dates:  5/3, 6/7 and 7/5; all first friday's of the month.  I have two slots available per date.  Also, if you are on tour and would like to schedule a spot on my blog I can always make a spot for you.  Just eMaile me at this address: [use subject line "Grinnie's Featured Authors"].  It's important I receive your materials by the week before your scheduled date.  I'll give the slot to someone else otherwise.

Next Week I Will Post From My Wordpress Blog.  I'll continue to post other content like reviews, new releases, and other authors' work here.  If you don't have WordPress, you can follow blogs on WP by copying the url and then pasting it in the add box on your blogger dashboard.

Authors for this blog hop:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Only Thing Better Than Sex Is Horny Hump Day

Well, almost better.  This Horny Hump Day I return to The Training which is a WIP in continuation of The Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book I ~ The Moon-kissed Chi.  Grayt and Bezhaynya's relationship continues and is made more special by the children which grow in her belly.  You can read previous entries for The Kalaydan Chronicles here.
   Bezhyanya lay, cradling Grayt with his body, comfortably relaxed.  She moved against him slightly as she reached behind to pull one of his hands around to her belly, encouraging him to stroke it.  He nuzzled her head with his chin and breathed in her woodsy scent slowly then exhaled softly. 
On Kalaydan, a person can sire or bear children by others who aren't their bed-sworn mates.  The disposition of the children is decided by simple rules which ensure a family life (father and mother) for the child.  In the case of some, the "other person" is brought into the household and becomes a family member of sorts.  Bezhyanya is the bedsworn to Arrinay, Kalaydan's ruling woman.  Grayt resides in The Household as Arrinay's serving woman.

Here's one facebook group you can't not join:  BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group. The next event for the BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group, the "Love Me Tender, Love Me True Valentine' Day Event", happens February 13 from 16:00 - 20:00 Central Standard Time.  Here's the Time Zone Converter.  Guest authors making an appearance:  Pippa Jay,  Kiru Taye, Myra Nour, Scott Harper, Jamallah Bergman, Leslie Ferdinand, Patricia Green, and Elaine Raco Chase.  Visit the group wall frequently for details as they're posted.

Be sure to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers (at 92), please help me get there by following.  Before you leave today, please follow this blog as well. Grinnie on Twitter.

I look forward to seeing you again next week.  There's always room for more participants and visitors on Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets newsletter will launch the first friday in February 2013, if all goes as planned.  Subscription information is below.

SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
FOLLOW the blog from which the newsletter launches.

Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book I ~ The Moon-kissed Chi Buy Links:
Create Space

I've got guest authors booked through April 2013, but plan to put a call out for authors in February to start filling the May through June newsletter slots.  I also am open to hosting an author on their Virtual Tour if they'd like to stop on my blog.  If you'd like to be on the waiting list to be interviewed or to be a guest blogger, for issues in December through April please email me (please include "Grinnie's Featured Authors" in the subject line and whether you want to provide a guest blog or complete an interview in the body of the message).  EMail address:  In Spring, I hope to offer a third featured option besides the Guest Author or Guest Blogger options.  More on that in coming months.

Next Week I Will Post From My Wordpress Blog.  I'll continue to post other content like reviews, new releases, and other authors' work here.  If you don't have WordPress, you can follow blogs from WP by copying the url and then pasting it in the add box on your blogger dashboard.

Authors for this blog hop:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jus' Chillin' On Horny Hump Day

Warm thoughts and a warm bed are more than welcome in winter.  Horny Hump Day warms thoughts for every visitor to the blog hop.  I think this is a good week to revisit Tara and her chilling lover.  You can read previous entries for Tara and her haunting lover here.
His frosty tongue to her nipples caused her to shiver with suppressed excitement.  The wrinkled raisins which adorned her aureoles shriveled even more; an unmistakable throbbing pulsed and ached within her Delta-of-Venus.  The touch of his fingers to her love-button released a flow of her joy juices which ran down her slit and tickled her anus.
On a weekend getaway with long-time friends, Tara meets the first man (well sorta) who is her sexual match in all ways.  Only thing, he resides in the ether (or nether) and makes appearances only in the hours of weeness.  This nibble is a selection from A Ghostly Tale I, the first story in my W.I.P, _A Ghostly Tale, or Two_.  After her discovering him in the bed beside her after the stroke of midnight, she quickly warms up (after a fashion) to him and things take a more satisfying turn.

Here's one facebook group you can't not join:  BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group. The next event for the BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group, the "Love Me Tender, Love Me True Valentine' Day Event", happens February 13 from 16:00 - 20:00 Central Standard Time.  Here's a link to the Time Zone Converter.  Guest authors making an appearance:  Pippa Jay,  Kiru Taye, Myra Nour, Scott Harper, Jamallah Bergman, Leslie Ferdinand, Patricia Green, and Elaine Raco Chase.  Visit the group wall frequently for details as they're posted.

Be sure to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers (at 91), please help me get there by following.  Before you leave today, please follow this blog as well. Grinnie on Twitter.

I look forward to seeing you again next week.  There's always room for more participants and visitors on Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets newsletter will launch the first friday in February 2013, if all goes as planned.  Subscription information is below.

SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
FOLLOW the blog from which the newsletter launches.

Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book I ~ The Moon-kissed Chi Buy Links:
Create Space

I've got guest authors booked through April 2013, but plan to put a call out for authors in February to start filling the May through June newsletter slots.  I also am open to hosting an author on their Virtual Tour if they'd like to stop on my blog.  If you'd like to be on the waiting list to be interviewed or to be a guest blogger, for issues in December through April please email me (please include "Grinnie's Featured Authors" in the subject line and whether you want to provide a guest blog or complete an interview in the body of the message).  EMail address:  In Spring, I hope to offer a third featured option besides the Guest Author or Guest Blogger options.  More on that in coming months.

Authors for this blog hop:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Love, Lust, and Sex ~ Horny Hump Day Has Them All

Writing is such a sweet obsession.  I enjoy putting pen to paper; even more, the comments from everyone who stops by on Horny Hump Day is a succulence of its own.  Thank you.  It seems my resolution for this year is to take things as they come.  I can't seem to isolate one thing I need to focus on for the year that isn't cliché.  It's great that you stopped in for Horny Hump Day today.  Now, let's revisit, "Mother's Milk," posted previously to my blogger as a flasher. 
She scooted down until his stanchion was fully sheathed in her wetness, her molten depths.  Rubbing his shins with the tops of her feet and flicking the beads of his nipples with her tongue, Sophia brought his lava to a boil.  Her pelvis starting a slow but steady undulation sent him over the edge moments later.
Gavin and Sophia have a torrid sex life.  In the aftermath of a match, especially one he's won, Gavin reaches his peak more quickly than his norm in the first bout during their sex play.  Tonight is no exception.  He makes up for it though during their subsequent rounds and she has no want for her own appetites being satisfied, thoroughly.

Here's one facebook group you can't not join:  BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group. The next event for the BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group, the "Love Me Tender, Love Me True Valentine' Day Event", happens February 13 from 16:00 - 20:00 Central Standard Time.  Here's a link to the Time Zone Converter.  Visit the group wall frequently for details as they're posted.

Be sure to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers (at 90), please help me get there by following.  Before you leave today, please follow this blog as well. Grinnie on Twitter.

I look forward to seeing you again next week.  There's always room for more participants and visitors on Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets newsletter will launch the first friday in February 2013, if all goes as planned.  Subscription information is below.

SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
FOLLOW the blog from which the newsletter launches.

Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book I ~ The Moon-kissed Chi Buy Links:
Create Space

I've got guest authors booked through April 2013, but plan to put a call out for authors in February to start filling the May through June newsletter slots.  I also am open to hosting an author on their Virtual Tour if they'd like to stop on my blog.  If you'd like to be on the waiting list to be interviewed or to be a guest blogger, for issues in December through April please email me (please include "Grinnie's Featured Authors" in the subject line and whether you want to provide a guest blog or complete an interview in the body of the message).  EMail address:  In Spring, I hope to offer a third featured option besides the Guest Author or Guest Blogger options.  More on that in coming months.

Authors for this blog hop:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Two Guest Authors Visit My Word Press

Please stop by and say hi to Sheryl Sorrentino  and TL Bliss.  They are both two wonderful authors visiting my blog.  Don't forget to follow my WordPress blog.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Grinelda's Piping Hot Plume de l'Erotique

I hope everyone brought in the new year in a manner of their choosing.  Did you make any resolutions?  It's great that you stopped in for Horny Hump Day today.  Now, let's revisit a previous post, "Mother's Milk," posted to my blogger previously as a flasher.  
   Sophia waved up to Gavin, her long, silky hair shifting about her petite frame like a fall over rocks.  He strode as quickly as his hefty mass would allow him over to the ladder down from the platform.  He swept her up in his arms and devoured her lips while pulling her responsive body into his demanding hardness.
Gavin and Sophia have been an item since they graduated from highschool.  She went on to a nursing career and he moved up the ranks in the boxing world.  She satisfies his needs completely and he's helpless without her.  Well, except for what he can do in the boxing ring.  He remains unchallenged in his division on the state level.

Here's one facebook group you can't not join:  BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group. The next event for the BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group, the I Survived The Holidays Event, happens January 5.  Here's a link to the countdown clock.  Visit the group wall frequently for details as they're posted.

Please be sure to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers (at 87), please help me get there by following.  Before you leave today, please follow this blog as well. Grinnie on Twitter.

Please visit again next week.  There's always room for more participants on Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets newsletter will launch the first friday in January 2013, if all goes as planned.  Subscription information is below.

SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
FOLLOW the blog from which the newsletter launches.

Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book I ~ The Moon-kissed Chi Buy Links:
Create Space

I've got guest authors booked through April 2013, but plan to put a call out for authors in February to start filling the May through June newsletter slots.  I also am open to hosting an author on their Virtual Tour if they'd like to stop on my blog.  If you'd like to be on the waiting list to be interviewed or to be a guest blogger, for issues in December through April please email me (please include "Grinnie's Featured Authors" in the subject line and whether you want to provide a guest blog or complete an interview in the body of the message).  EMail address:  In Spring, I hope to offer a third featured option besides the Guest Author or Guest Blogger options.  More on that in coming months.

Authors for this blog hop:
