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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Grinnie's Heating Up

Well, looks like the change of venu for my Horny Hump Day (HHD) posts is going to be delayed.  Next week, my HHD post will go up on my WordPress blog.

Hi there!  Glad you joined me for my leg of this Horny Hump Day.   I return to, _The Training_, which is a WIP in continuation of The Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book I ~ The Moon-kissed Chi.  Sex between Arrinay and Bezhyanya is always gratifying for them both, even though being fully spent isn't something Bezhyanya reaches easily.  You can read previous entries for The Kalaydan Chronicles here.
       She worked her hips in an increasing tempo that was not unlike thunder rolling across the plains.  The tension built as they worked together, then the storm broke.  Arrinay collapsed on Bezhyanya’s broad chest, her nails digging into his skin, as she snuggled in his strong embrace, while the tempest abated.

In this scene, Bezhyanya and Arrinay have entered the other-world they've entered many times before, while on pawpi trip.  This trip promises to be memorable, but they don't know it yet.  As they travel the path to the cave, they see any number of species of animals of which the females are pregnant or followed closely by babies.  This becomes important as book two unfolds. 

Here's one facebook group you can't not join:  BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group. The next event for the BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group, the "Love Me Tender, Love Me True" Valentine' Day Event, happens February 13 from 16:00 - 20:00 Central Standard Time.  Here's the Time Zone Converter.  Guest authors making an appearance:  Pippa Jay,  Kiru Taye, Myra Nour, Scott Harper, Jamallah Bergman, Leslie Ferdinand, Patricia Green, and Elaine Raco Chase.  Visit the event wall frequently for details as they're posted.

Be sure to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers (at 92), please help me get there by following.  Before you leave today, please follow this blog as well. Grinnie on Twitter.

I look forward to seeing you again next week.  There's always room for more participants and visitors on Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets newsletter will launch the first friday in February 2013, if all goes as planned.  Subscription information is below.

SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
FOLLOW the blog from which the newsletter launches.

Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book I ~ The Moon-kissed Chi Buy Links:
Create Space

I'm looking for authors interested in being guest authors, guest bloggers, or doing character interviews for dates:  5/3, 6/7 and 7/5; all first friday's of the month.  I have two slots available per date.  Also, if you are on tour and would like to schedule a spot on my blog I can always make a spot for you.  Just eMaile me at this address: [use subject line "Grinnie's Featured Authors"].  It's important I receive your materials by the week before your scheduled date.  I'll give the slot to someone else otherwise.

Next Week I Will Post From My Wordpress Blog.  I'll continue to post other content like reviews, new releases, and other authors' work here.  If you don't have WordPress, you can follow blogs on WP by copying the url and then pasting it in the add box on your blogger dashboard.

Authors for this blog hop:


  1. Those two definitely have some chemistry. Good work, Grinnie!

    1. thank you. i enjoy the unfolding relationship between them. see ya next week, i hope.

  2. Replies
    1. thanks, glad you think so. writing sex for bezhyanya with Arrinay and when he's with Grayt really is a lot of fun.

  3. Interesting notion about seeing animals with young or pregnant. Is there something we should know about Arrinay? Nice snippet, Grinelda.

    1. symbolism is always a good thing, usually. :D you'll find out in book ii. :D


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