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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jus' Chillin' On Horny Hump Day

Warm thoughts and a warm bed are more than welcome in winter.  Horny Hump Day warms thoughts for every visitor to the blog hop.  I think this is a good week to revisit Tara and her chilling lover.  You can read previous entries for Tara and her haunting lover here.
His frosty tongue to her nipples caused her to shiver with suppressed excitement.  The wrinkled raisins which adorned her aureoles shriveled even more; an unmistakable throbbing pulsed and ached within her Delta-of-Venus.  The touch of his fingers to her love-button released a flow of her joy juices which ran down her slit and tickled her anus.
On a weekend getaway with long-time friends, Tara meets the first man (well sorta) who is her sexual match in all ways.  Only thing, he resides in the ether (or nether) and makes appearances only in the hours of weeness.  This nibble is a selection from A Ghostly Tale I, the first story in my W.I.P, _A Ghostly Tale, or Two_.  After her discovering him in the bed beside her after the stroke of midnight, she quickly warms up (after a fashion) to him and things take a more satisfying turn.

Here's one facebook group you can't not join:  BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group. The next event for the BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group, the "Love Me Tender, Love Me True Valentine' Day Event", happens February 13 from 16:00 - 20:00 Central Standard Time.  Here's a link to the Time Zone Converter.  Guest authors making an appearance:  Pippa Jay,  Kiru Taye, Myra Nour, Scott Harper, Jamallah Bergman, Leslie Ferdinand, Patricia Green, and Elaine Raco Chase.  Visit the group wall frequently for details as they're posted.

Be sure to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers (at 91), please help me get there by following.  Before you leave today, please follow this blog as well. Grinnie on Twitter.

I look forward to seeing you again next week.  There's always room for more participants and visitors on Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets newsletter will launch the first friday in February 2013, if all goes as planned.  Subscription information is below.

SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
FOLLOW the blog from which the newsletter launches.

Kalaydan Chronicles:  Book I ~ The Moon-kissed Chi Buy Links:
Create Space

I've got guest authors booked through April 2013, but plan to put a call out for authors in February to start filling the May through June newsletter slots.  I also am open to hosting an author on their Virtual Tour if they'd like to stop on my blog.  If you'd like to be on the waiting list to be interviewed or to be a guest blogger, for issues in December through April please email me (please include "Grinnie's Featured Authors" in the subject line and whether you want to provide a guest blog or complete an interview in the body of the message).  EMail address:  In Spring, I hope to offer a third featured option besides the Guest Author or Guest Blogger options.  More on that in coming months.

Authors for this blog hop:


  1. Ooo, very tantalizing. I love it.

    1. thank you, Ray! glad you stopped in to comment. i'm liking Tara's character as it unfolds. in spite of her chilly nature, she's very hot and passionate. well, with the right man. hope to see you next week.

  2. Replies
    1. thank you, carrie-anne. glad you stopped in. i'm finding the chemistry between the two lot's of fun to work with.

  3. Wonderful use of the senses in this taste. :)

    1. thanks for stopping in, Jenna. looks like you're playing catch-up like i did earlier today. i appreciate your comment and visit.

  4. You have used imagery and sensation very well here. This is a very good three lines for HHD. Thanks for posting.


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