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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Grinnie Is Catching Up For Horny Hump Day

Thanks for stopping in.  I hope you enjoy this weeks sampling.  The long winter days are warming and shorter with a trip down the Horny Hump Day trail.

I think this era, more than any other, is highly conducive to women truly defining womanhood according to their own inner wisdom.  Jane is one such woman who has gone through life not really acknowledging "woman" in the sum of who she is, though she is frequently reminded.  Here's another nibble from this story as it unfolds.
   Enjoying the winter stars and moons on the front porch of the chill night and sipping brindleberry wine, Jane was surprised by the feel of a firm hand on her bottom.  Who would dare?
   Coyn, smelling sweetly of brindleberry wine and wood smoke and something else which stirred her blood, filled the emptiness beside her, "I wondered where the only true woman in the room had wondered off to."
Perhaps not a sizzling offering, but one that promises the sensual and romance.  Jane, from last week's snippet, will finally be forced to acknowledge her womanness.  The part of herself she's never befriended.  She never wanted to be like the women around her, but are they really exemplary of completely fulfilled womanhood.  There's more to come.  See you next week for Horny Hump Day.

Here's one facebook group you can't not join:  BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group. The next event for the BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group, the I Survived The Holidays Event, happens in January.  Here's a link to the countdown clock.  Visit the group wall frequently for details as they're posted.

My current blog hop post is on the Christmas Wishes Blog Hop.  I intend my post to go live around the 7th of December, barring any unforeseen events.

Please be sure to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers, please help me get there by following.  Before you leave today, please follow this blog as well.

I'm on Twitter now:  @pearlydroplets

Please visit again next week.  There's always room for more participants on Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets newsletter will launch the first friday in January 2013, if all goes as planned.  Subscription information is below.

SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
FOLLOW the blog from which the newsletter launches.

I've got guest authors booked through April 2013, but plan to put a call out for authors in February to start filling the May through June newsletter slots.  I also am open to hosting an author on their Virtual Tour if they'd like to stop on my blog.  If you'd like to be on the waiting list to be interviewed or to be a guest blogger, for issues in December through April please email me (please include "Grinnie's Featured Authors" in the subject line and whether you want to provide a guest blog or complete an interview in the body of the message).  EMail address:  In Spring, I hope to offer a third featured option besides the Guest Author or Guest Blogger options.  More on that in coming months.

Authors for this blog hop:


  1. There are many things I like about this bit you're sharing. The words are carefully chosen. I find "filled the emptiness beside her" to be a great phrase. Well done, Grinnie.

    1. thank you, Patricia. i so enjoy doing the HHD posts as it gets me thinking about my work in a different way than when i'm writing or working with the writers' group. i'm glad you stopped in. :D

  2. I love how you describe his scent. It adds so much to the scene.

    1. carrie-anne, glad you stopped in. thanks. i find scent so essential in day to day life let alone in sex. nothing like the smell of fresh sweat on a man just in from the gym (b4 it gets rank).

  3. Definitely sensual and sweet. Makes me want to read more. Nicely done, Grinnie.

    1. Kathryn, thank you. i'm happy to see you. i'll be posting more soonest. glad you liked.

  4. You set the scene beautifully. I love her thought "Who would dare?" Tells so much about her character. Very sensual and romantic. BTW--I love your banner!

    1. Jenna, thank you. i really appreciate your comments and your stopping by. glad you like the banner.


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