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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Grinnie Does Hawtness For Horny Hump Day

The temperature outside continues to drop.  Every Wednesday for Horny Hump Day the temperature continues to rise.  This week's nibble is from a flasher I wrote a few months ago, "Homecoming."
    He unzipped his fly then lifted her up with his strong hands, wrapping her legs around his hips before he slid home. Their reaquaintance was a silent one as though nothing had been forgotten between them.  On the final lunge, he fell against her, pinning her to the wall.
The whole of the flasher is written in 200 words or less.  I hope to flesh it out into a short story at a later date.  The question remains to be answered as to where he's been.

Please be sure to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers, please help me get there by following.  Before you leave today, please follow this blog as well.

I'm on Twitter now:  @pearlydroplets

Please visit again next week.  There's always room for more participants on Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets newsletter will launch on the first Friday in December, if all goes as planned.  Subscription information is below. 
SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
FOLLOW the blog from which the newsletter launches.

I've got guest authors booked through April 2013, but plan to put a call out for authors in February to start filling the May through June newsletter slots.  I also am open to hosting an author on their Virtual Tour if they'd like to stop on my blog.  If you'd like to be on the waiting list to be interviewed or to be a guest blogger, for issues in December through April please email me (please include "Grinnie's Featured Authors" in the subject line and whether you want to provide a guest blog or complete an interview in the body of the message).  EMail address:  In Spring, I hope to offer a third featured option besides the Guest Author or Guest Blogger options.  More on that in coming months.

My next blog hop is the Christmas Wishes Blog Hop. Sign up here for the Christmas Wishes Blog Hop.  I intend my post to go live around the 7th of December, barring any unforeseen events.

Authors for this blog hop:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Only Thing Better Than Turkey and Dressing

I hope you enjoy your turkey day tomorry, for those of you who celebrate it.  Thanks for coming by to spend a bit of this Horny Hump Day with me.  While Ailbhe is enjoying her shower with Braydon, let's spend some time with Tara and her chilling love interest.  You'll find an excerpt from Tara's last night of otherworldly romance in the Howloween Blog Hop Post.  See previous nibbles in previous Horny-Hump-Day posts for this w. i. p. here.
Her surprise receded and her arousal sublimed as it dawned on her this was a man whose internal thermostat was set to the same low degree as her own.  His throbbing rod lay along her belly to her navel and course short-and-curlies, his, rubbed her upper thigh.  He pulled her head back with his fingers entwined in her hair; her lips parted in anticipation.  
Tara is a woman who is unflappable to a fault.  You'll recall in a previous HHD post, she awoke to find she no longer occupied her bed alone.  This nibble continues from there.

Please be sure to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers, please help me by following too.  Before you leave today, please follow this blog as well. 

I'm on Twitter now:  @pearlydroplets

Please visit again next week.  There's always room for more participants on Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets newsletter will launch on the first Friday in December, if all goes as planned.  Subscription information is below.  
SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
FOLLOW the blog from which the newsletter launches.

I've got guest authors booked through April 2013, but plan to put a call out for authors in February to start filling the May through June newsletter slots.  I also am open to hosting an author on their Virtual Tour if they'd like to stop on my blog.  If you'd like to be on the waiting list to be interviewed or to be a guest blogger, for issues in December through April please email me (please include "Grinnie's Featured Authors" in the subject line and whether you want to provide a guest blog or complete an interview in the body of the message).  In Spring, I hope to offer a third featured option besides the Guest Author or Guest Blogger options.  More on that in coming months.

My next blog hop is the Christmas Wishes Blog Hop. Sign up here for the Christmas Wishes Blog Hop.  I intend my post to go live around the 7th of December, barring any unforeseen events.

Authors for this blog hop:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Look At The Time, It's Horny Hump Day

Hi and thanks for stopping in for this Horny Hump Day.  This week I continue with Ailbhe and Ciara.  Ailbhe did indeed follow Braydon into the shower.   You'll find that encounter in the Howloween Blog Hop post.  The link for excerpts in previous posts for this wip is here.
“Whatever you want,” was his only response.

She viewed the object [Braydon's penis] in her hand with curiosity and a certain hunger, her hair sticking to her head as the spray cascaded over them.

I wonder if it really works like the vids in the national database,” she wondered to herself.
Keep in mind, Ailbhe comes from a world on which there are no men.  When the earlier settlers to their world had arrived the males died off.   Only recently have they discovered that they were killed by a disease which attacked the male chromosone.  Their society has evolved to become a saphic one.  They only have the vids which are archived in the national database to keep them in mind of the male counterpart to their gender.  Ailbhe returned to earth with her partner, Ciara, to see if there were any surviving male specimens to take home.  Braydon is the first normal human male she has encountered.  She's come across Jox on a couple of occassions and has learned to avoid them.  Her partner, Ciara, was out on a scouting run and didn't return.  In their mental connection while she slept, Ailhbe learned she had been injured in a crash landing and is now journeying to rescue her.

Feel free to friend me on Facebook.  Have you followed my WordPress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm close to my goal of 100 followers, please help me by following too.  Before you leave today, I'd appreciate your following this blog too.

I'm on Twitter now:  @pearlydroplets

Please visit again next week.  There's always room for more participants for Horny Hump Day.

The next issue of The Pearly Droplets will launch on the first Friday in December.  Subscription information is below.   
SUBSCRIBE to the email version of the newsletter.
Follow the blog from which the newsletter launches.

I've got guest authors booked through April 2013, but plan to put a call out for authors in February to start filling the May through June newsletter slots.  I also am open to hosting an author on their Virtual Tour if they'd like to stop on my blog.  If you'd like to be on the waiting list to be interviewed or to be a guest blogger, for issues in December through April please email me (please include "Grinnie's Featured Authors" in the subject line and whether you want to provide a guest blog or complete an interview in the body of the message).  In Spring, I hope to offer a third featured option besides the Guest Author or Guest Blogger options.  More on that in coming months.

My next blog hop is the Christmas Wishes Blog Hop. Sign up here for the Christmas Wishes Blog Hop.  I intend my post to go live around the 7th of December, barring any unforeseen events.

Authors for ths blog hop.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Horny Hump Day With Grinnie

Welcome on this Horny Hump Day.  The table's laid with the fine china and heirloom silver.  Candles flicker about the room, and a throaty yet sultry voice fills the room and calls the next stop along the hop.

Next Stop.  Grinnie's World.