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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thanks For Hopping By For This Horny Hump Day

All's bright and glorious this Horny Hump DayA Ghostly Tale or Two is still progressing.  You'll find previous selections from the work-in-progress, here.  The story is moving along slowy but surely.  Please visit my HHD tag to view previous contributions for this magnificent day.

I conceived Ailbhe and Ciara a number of months ago and have been poking at it off and on since then.  I've listed a tentative completion date for it on my wordpress page (see the bottom of that page for works in progress).  Any changes in completion date are a direct result of the demands I must meet in other areas of my life, e.g., work, licensing, daily tasks, etc.  I also did a bit of reorganizing on that blog as well.  On the world the two main characters come from, there are no longer any men.  Their communities are comprised of the remnants of a settlement which was established many generations prior.  Unfortunately, a disease which attacked male specific components of the double helix killed off all their men.  Procreation is now by cloning and there has been no success cloning a man.  No one where Ailbhe comes from has ever seen a man except in pictures.  Her first sight of a naked man is while he's in a state of beautifully extended arousal.  Braydon is as intrigued with her as she with him, but for different reasons.  

This selection is the first I've posted for the story I have unfurling gradually beneath my pen for Ailbhe and Ciara.  In this selection, Braydon has taken company with her in her journey to rescue her partner Ciara.  Their mission in coming to earth is to find a cure for the disease which killed off all the human males and take it back to their planet.  
Braydon allowed his jeans to drop to the floor, having removed his shirt.
“Join me,” was all he said as he passed through the doorless entry to the bathroom.
Ailbhe eyed his physique, pausing at his rigid rod, then allowed curiosity to get the better of her.
Don't forget to come back.  We'll be getting a peek at what remains of the human population on earth.  You'll meet first hand, The Jox, and some of the few remaining unmutated humans.

New Look For The Moon-kissed Chi

I've created a fan page for The Kalaydan Chronicles.  Please stop by and give it a like.  Feel free to friend me on facebook as well.  The Moon-Kissed Chi is now available in paperback.  Have you followed my wordpress blog?  I take a more writerly perspective in that blog.  I'm ever desirous of increasing my connection base to other writers and readers, so, please follow this blog also.

The Horny Hump Day Blog Hop Authors


  1. I'm very curious now, Grinnie. You set up a fascinating situation. I can't imagine a world without men. This ought to be interesting. Keep at it!

    1. thank you, Patricia. i'm intrigued by the idea. the story line won't run along assumed pathways either. but, you can believe you'll be reading more in the comming weeks of HHD. thanks for stopping in and commenting.

  2. I can't wait to see just what she does with her curiosity! I love the idea of this story.

    1. thanks, Carri-Anne. this story promises to have some interesting elements. i foresee some research to bone up on some scientific concepts. hope i do it justice. you know how it is when a story keeps scratching on the back of your brain? i appreciate your stopping in and commenting.

  3. Very intriguing snippet, Grinelda. Having never seen a man before, I can't help wondering if Aibhe knows what he intends to do with his "rigid rod." I'd be curious too, if I were her.

    1. i'm looking forward to seeing what she does also. hee, hee. my muse has been a bit cagey with this story. i'm on inspirational rations it seems. :D thanks, Kathryn, for stopping in and commenting.

  4. I think she'd best study her subject using a "hands on" approach if his "rigid rod" is up-front and center. :) Looks like a fantastic story! Hot snippet!

    1. hi, Jenna! that's an excellent idea. i may write that entire scene and share it next week. hmmmm. having a scientific bent, she'll probably to a bit of probing and the like as well. :D i'm glad you stopped in and commented.


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