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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

If Its Hotter Than Blazes, It's Horny Hump Day

Brrrr.  It's cold in here, but not for lack of hot, Horny-Hump-Day action!

Today's hot tidbit is from, A Ghostly Tale I.  I just know you've wondered why Kara's yarn is titled, A Ghostly Tale II.  A doubly haunted whammy is on its way for October.  Three long-time friends, Tara, Sara and Mara go away together on a Fall weekend.  A notorious haunted hotel is the main attraction on their trip.   A light hearted story from the spectral world, this snippet has Tara awakened from sleep by what she thought was the chill in her room.
Slowly, the chill in the room brought Tara to wakefulness, in spite of the heavy coverlet under which she shivered. She rolled over and started upon seeing the luminous form of a man, which shared her pillow and had vibrant blue eyes and a mane of curly hair, staring back at her. It was evident the room wasn’t cold but, rather, her bedmate whose body was wrapped around hers in an amorous embrace.
I hope you enjoyed this week's selection.  My recent release, The Moon-Kissed Chi, is available at  A Ghostly Tale will be out in late September.  I look forward to seeing you next week for Horny Hump Day.  Even better yet, why not share some of your three-sentence hawtness with us on next week's HHD? Don't forget to visit the other stops on the hop. 


  1. Nice and cool feeling to read, just what you need on an actual hot day, except it will make a lot even hotter.

    1. about as good as ice cold mint julep, eh Damian? thanks for stopping in and glad you liked.

  2. Nice read, and one of my fantasies, hehehehehhehe.

    1. hey, there, Anjie! all i can say is hope your "fantasies" are everything you want them to be. :D thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  3. Surprise! That kind of encounter makes the blood run cold...although it's hot. Well, you know what I mean. Nice work, Grinelda!

    1. now life would be boring w/o a few surprises here and there wouldn't they be, Patricia? thanks for your comments and for coming by today.

  4. I want to know what she's going to do with him, now that he's got her. :)

    1. all the more reason for me to get more written, huh? thanks for stopping by, Verity, and i appreciate the comments.

  5. Wow! Waking up next to a dead guy (ghost) must be chilling. Real nice snippet Grinelda.

    1. well, Kathryn, if i had my choice of deadness in a guy, it'd be a vampire, but i'm none too proud to try something new. glad you liked. thanks for stopping in and commenting.

  6. I can't imagine a ghost's embrace that didn't involve me having a heart attack! But I bet Tara's made of sterner stuff. Can't wait to see what she does. :) Great nibble!

    1. hi, Jenna! glad you stopped in. oh, then please, don't let any ghosts into your bed. i look forwardto your posts every week and would surely miss them. Tara, in my mind is very vibrant and fiercely independent. i appreciate your comments.

  7. I love ghost stories, old cemeteries, and haunted hotels, but I think I'd feel pretty eerie if that happened to me! Great teaser.

    1. thanks, Carrie-Anne. hee, hee. i like my sleep to be comfortable and uninterrupted, so i'd probably give any ghostly visitor to my bed a few things to think on. glad you stopped by and commented.

  8. Love a good paranormal erotic piece, and ghost erotica intrigues me! Can't wait to know what happens :)

    1. thank you, Anthony. i hope to be sharing snippets from the two stories in the coming weeks. i'm so happy you stopped by and commented.


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