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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Grinelda's Horny Hump Day Hideaway

Today, let's revisit The Moon-Kissed Chi.  You'll love the stops along the Horny Hump Day (HHD) blog hop today.  I've chosen a bit from the opening scene of the first book in The Kalaydan Chronicles series.  The Training, the second book in the series is in work.
The skill of his digital caress ensured she was ready to mount and ride him with ease. While he bucked, she rode his shaft all the way down only to raise herself up again by her knees. She conducted the energy through them like the ebb and flow of the tides.
I hope you enjoyed this week's selection.  My recent release, The Moon-Kissed Chi, is available for free at  A Ghostly Tale will be out in late September.  I look forward to seeing you next week for HHD.  Even better yet, why not share some of your three-sentence hawtness with us next week? Don't forget to visit the other stops on the hop.


  1. I knew what this was from when I started reading it. I just read it in your book over the weekend. Wonderful piece for today.

    1. hi, Damian. i'm glad you had an opportunity to read my book. the training is underway now. i appreciate your stopping in and commenting. see you next week.

  2. I loved this. Very hot, very sexy!


    1. thank you, Nikki. glad you stopped in and commented. why not share some of your work with us next week? just three sentences; that's all. see you next week, i hope.

  3. Hot stuff; I like it that she is clearly the one guiding the action, setting the pace...

    1. hey there, Anthony. the women of Kalaydan have the sexual upper hand in the book. they manipulate the chi and mix it with the male virile energy during sex. thanks for stopping by and commenting. look forward to seeing you next week.

  4. Your reference to the tides is excellent. This section of the book is very creative. Good share today!

    1. glad you stopped in and commented, Patricia. i love the sea. when Duke Leto II lamented, "I miss the sea." i was right there with him feeling the same. interesting we both left seaside communities for desert lands. see ya next week.

  5. "Digital caress" conjures up all kind of imagery for me. But then, I have a twisted sense of humor. This is a terrific book. Highly recommended.

    1. hi, Verity. and you didn't share the imagery? tsk, tsk. twisted is good as far as humor goes. glad you liked the book. appreciate the recommendation of my book. thanks for stopping in and commenting. see you next week.

  6. Very sexy! I love the last line and the ocean imagery.

    1. glad you see you, Carrie-Anne. i appreciate your comments. hope you visit again next week. thank you.

  7. Sexy is right. Ebb and flow, rise and fall, I can just see it. Really nice six, Grinelda.

    1. Kathryn, thanks for commenting. glad you liked. ebb and flow of the tides is one of the most natural rhythms. a mother's heartbeat is another. looking forward to seeing you next week.

  8. Loved that last line! The idea that she's conducting the energy of the encounter is very sexy. Great nibble.

    1. hello there, Jenna. thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. yes, that's the way the chi works (one of the ways) on Kalaydan. the women combine the chi with the male's virile energy during sex to heighten the pleasure. hope to see you next week.


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